Bingley puts its best foot forward

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More than 400 people attended the launch of Walkers are Welcome Bingley. The event, on Saturday 11th April, was held at Bingley Arts Centre and was attended and supported by local businesses and community groups, including local GPs and healthcare providers, Bradford Council, Damart, West Yorkshire Combined Authority, Bingley Civic Trust, Interior Furnishings and Richard Dawson Architects.

Local Historian Ian Dewhirst opened the proceedings with an entertaining and informative talk on Walking around Bingley.

Walkers are Welcome spokeswoman Christine McCabe said, “Our sincere thanks go to everyone at Bingley Arts Centre, Bingley Little Theatre and Bingley Little Theatre Strollers without whose help and support the event wouldn’t have been possible.”

Walkers are Welcome in Bingley - Launch Event Cake
Christine McCabe and Ian Dewhirst cut the Walkers are Welcome Bingley cake made and donated by catering students at Leeds City College

Activities included a popular tombola, refreshments, and New to You stall, raising over £300.00 in total. Some of the Community groups represented were: the Bingley Council Group, Friends of St Ives, Bradford Ramblers, Canal and River Trust, Friends of Bracken Hall, Bingley Civic Trust, Greenhill Action Group, Bingley Fairtrade, Bingley Green Dog and Bradford CHA. A cake to celebrate the launch was provided by Leeds City College. Town Crier Chris Stephens was present to keep the crowds informed and entertained.

Despite the chilly weather, over 100 people took part in five walks around the Bingley area led by enthusiasts, Cedric Farineau, John Flockton, Ralph Harding, Kath James, and David Smith. The Baildon Walkers are Welcome group also attended, having walked over from Baildon to support the launch.

Christine McCabe commented, “The hard work starts now and we will be meeting to plan future walks and to produce a walks leaflet. For information on future events by Walkers are Welcome in Bingley see the noticeboard at the top of Riverside Walk in Bingley or find the group on Facebook.”

The Walkers are Welcome status means that Bingley now joins Ilkley, Baildon and Burley in Wharfedale as part of a national network of communities endorsed for their amenities, opportunities and hospitality for walkers and which can promote themselves under the Walkers are Welcome brand. As well as encouraging the health benefits of walking, Walkers are Welcome status can also help to boost the local economy by attracting visitors and increasing footfall.

The group is keen to link up with others who have already published information about walks around the town.

Telegraph & Argus - Town thrilled at turn-out for walk welcome
Article about the launch event in Telegraph & Argus

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