Below is a list of local organisations which are linked to Bingley Walkers are Welcome. Most of them have walking groups and organise regular guided walks which you can join. Check the iCal calendar files available to download.
If you are a business and want to support us and get listed on this website, please contact us to get your sticker!
Local organisations supporting Bingley Walkers are Welcome
What do they do?
Bingley Camera Club is a diverse group for people with interests in photography of all types and styles. We have been growing local photographers since 1951. Joining the club is a great way to develop your photographic skills whatever your ability in the company of like minded people. We are a friendly club with around 90 members and a programme of weekly meetings in Bingley Methodist Church (Mondays 7.15 – 9 pm) which include talks, competitions as well as practical evenings, photography meetups and socials. Visit our webpage for details of our programme and we hope to welcome you to our group.
What do they do?
Towards a dog poo free Bingley – formerly known as Bingley Green Dog Walkers – are a group of local volunteers who promote & encourage dog owners to pick up after their dogs, with the aim of a cleaner, healthier, better Bingley environment.
If you own a dog, check our page about dog walks and dog friendly places in Bingley. We welcome walkers of all shapes and sizes!
What do they do?
The society was formed in the late 1980s to make local people more aware of the town's history. There was a settlement here in Saxon times and the granting of the Market Charter to the town in 1212 predates most others in the north of England.
The society holds regular speaker meetings and walking events throughout the year and our guest speakers share their their deeper knowledge of Bingley and its past. The society has also produced a series of guide booklets to enable residents and visitors explore this beautiful town. Our website gives full details of all our activities.
What do they do?
This group was formed in 2013 to rediscover the attractions of the 150 year old Grade II Historic England listed Victorian Park. You can walk along formal paths and drives or on tracks through woodland or across the open heath at the top of the park. Informal walks are organised by groups with special interest in wildlife and nature.
Longer distance walks, for example from Five Rise Locks, Shipley Glen and Saltaire are often planned walking groups to include passing through the park. Recent signage, finger posts and waymarks have been installed to guide visitors around the park
What do they do?
The Friends of St Ives in Bingley St Ives estate hold several walks throughout the year. These are typically two or three miles long and feature some aspect of the estate. Examples of these include bat walks, bird walks, history walks and fungus walks. For example the bat walk will be held late evening, it may start with a short talk on bats followed by a walk to see the different types. Many members have their own electronic bat detectors but there are generally enough to lend to others. Walks are free but a small donation to funds is appreciated.
What do they do?
Walking in the countryside is an enjoyable and healthy activity. If you walk with a club you have the opportunity to meet people and find new places to walk. Clubs organise enjoyable activities such as social evenings and Coach Rambles. Bradford CHA organises coach rambles every Sunday allowing you to let somebody else do the driving and parking. Importantly a linear walk can be enjoyed, which is much more satisfying than a circular walk. There is an “A" and an easier “B" walk each Sunday. We also organise walks every Saturday using public transport to access the walking area. We have weekends away and usually one full week's holiday per year. We have lots of experience of the nicest places to go at the right time of year.
All our leaders are volunteers and members are expected to take responsibility for their own safety, although we are always willing to share our experience. Please note: We do not allow dogs on club rambles.
What do they do?
Champions Show the Way is one of the Walking for Health scheme coordinator within the Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust. We organise many health walks in Bingley and surroundings and most of them are free for people to attend. We particularly encourage people with long-term health conditions to join our walks and we even have walks which supports people with visual impairments or respiratory conditions. We also offer indoor based activities which are aimed at improving health and well-being.
What do they do?
Ramblers Bradford Group is your official local group of the Ramblers, Britain's largest walking charity, Registered Number 1093577. It is an association of people and groups who come together to both enjoy walking, and other outdoor pursuits, and also to ensure the protection and expansion of the infrastructure and places where people go walking. Their goal is to protect the ability of people to enjoy the sense of freedom and benefits that come from being outdoors on foot. We put on a varied and enjoyable programme of Evening Walks throughout the year, with occasional daytime events. All walks are led by volunteer Ramblers members, are free of charge and welcome all who wish to come along and join in; whether members or not. Evening walks are on alternate Wednesday and Thursday evenings all year round, starting at 7pm. They are usually between 4 and 5 miles in length, and are approximately 2 hours in duration. Many of our walks take place within the Bingley area. At the end of each walk everyone who wishes is warmly welcomed to a social gathering at the nearest watering hole, sometimes with food available!
What do they do?
Bingley Little Theatre is well known for staging eight plays a year in the town’s Arts Centre. But its members also like to leave the confines of the centre every so often and savour the fresh air. So on the first Sunday of each month a group of them, known as the Playing Strollers, meet at 9.30am in the Little Theatre car park at the back of the Centre before setting out on a lengthy walk. The walks, which are usually around six or seven miles long, are sometimes local but can also be further afield including the glorious Dales countryside. They always finish with a pub lunch but this is optional.
The Strollers mainly comprise Bingley Little Theatre members or season ticket holders but anyone wanting to join is welcome. Talk along the way inevitably includes theatre matters and newcomers often decide they would like to find out more about how plays are staged and through walking can discover a whole new interest. Details of the walks can be found on the noticeboard at the Little Theatre entrance behind the Arts Centre or for more information contact co-ordinator Christine McCabe on 01274 496675 or christine.mccabe [at]
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