Our past and archived Sunday walks

Here is the list of walks we've been leading on the second Sunday of the month since July 2015 and which are now archived. Like many walking groups, we had to postpone our activities during the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdowns. We are back now!

If you are guiding a walk in Bingley or the surrounding area, please contact us so we can include it in our current list of guided walks!

List of archived guided walks in Bingley and surroundings

Looking for a guided walk you've attended in Bingley? We keep a log of most of the guided walks that have happened since July 2015!
Sunday 10th December 2023 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Linda

Christmas Themed Walk 2023
At the beginning of our Christmas Themed Walk
Thanks to everyone who braved the elements today to help us celebrate the festive season on on special Christmas Themed Walk. We walked through Myrtle Park and along Beckfoot Lane before heading back to 3 Rise Locks along the canal. We then winded our way up the ginnels to Prince of Wales Park for seasonal refreshments of mulled wine and mince pies. Thanks also for your kind donations.
Sunday 5th November 2023 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by John
Bingley WaW - November 2023 - Sunday walk
A large crowd gathered for an another successful autumnal walk which took the group all the way up to Prince of Wales Park

A great turn out of forty walkers enjoyed the beautiful autumn sunshine today on our November walk led by our walk leader John with his back up team.
The walk headed up to Prince of Wales Park then across to Gilstead Crag to take in the beautiful views over the Aire Valley. The walk then came back into town through Jer Wood.
Sunday 8th October 2023 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Michael
Bingley WaW - October 2023 - Sunday walk
With autumnal colours, our group of walkers get ready for the walks taking them towards Milner Field

Thanks to Michael for leading us along to the Coach Road, up through Milner Field and back via Primrose Hill and the canal. Not forgetting our back up team who made sure no one got left behind.
Sunday 10th September 2023 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Cedric
Bingley WaW - September 2023 - Sunday walk
A special dressed up walk celebrating the Heritage Open Days

We've had a fantastic walk and talk in partnership with Bingley Little Theatre . The event was organised to celebrate the Heritage Open Days – Bingley Theatre Anniversary Walk and all areas of the Bingley Arts Centre were opened for our lucky walkers. It also coincides with the 75th anniversary of Bingley Little Theatre creation this week! After a short one and a half mile around Myrtle Park and Bingley accompanied by local thespians and volunteers in colourful costumes, our group of 42 walkers then had the opportunity to visit all the backstage areas of the Bingley Arts Centre. We want to thank everyone involved in the organisation of this successful event and we are also really grateful for Peter Kitching from Bingley Camera Club to have been our official photographer on this walk!
Sunday 13th August 2023 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by David
Bingley WaW - August 2023 - Sunday walk
Our group of walkers before heading on a walk along the river and St Ives

What a great turn out for our August walk! The heavens did open towards the end of the walk but by this time the route had taken us from Ireland Bridge on to Ravenroyd and Marley and up to Druids Altar. The latter part of the walk returned to town via St Ives, Beckfoot Bridge and Myrtle Park.
Thanks go to our walk leader David and his back up team for helping walkers discover new paths.
Sunday 9th July 2023 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Linda
Bingley WaW - July 2023- Sunday walk
Our group of walkers just before heading towards Milner Field

Sunday 11th June 2023 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by David
Bingley WaW - June 2023- Sunday walk
Our group of walkers getting ready before heading to Cottingley

We repeated our 'Away with the Fairies' walk which proved so popular at last month’s Walking Festival.
Sunday 14th May 2023 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Cedric
Bingley WaW - May 2023- Sunday walk
Fantastic turn up for this beautiful day in May, a week after our Walking Festival

A lovely walk over Gilstead Crags, on to Prince of Wales Park and then down to 5 Rise Locks.
Sunday 9th April 2023 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Heather
Bingley WaW - April 2023- Sunday walk
A great turn out considering it was Easter Sunday and a busy weekend for most families.

Our walk leader Heather led us over Shipley Golf Club and into Cottingley Woods. We returned to town through Mouse Woods and Myrtle Park
Sunday 12th March 2023 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by David
Bingley WaW - March 2023- Sunday walk
We were delighted to see so many people turning up despite the inclement weather we’ve experienced lately.
Because of the inclement weather, we chose a well trodden, safe path through Myrtle Park, along Wagon Lane returning to town along the Leeds Liverpool Canal and 3 Rise Locks. We welcomed several new ladies and hope they will join us again in the future.
Great to be able to enjoy a warm drink in Market Square in the sunshine after the walk!
Sunday 12th February 2023 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Cedric
Bingley WaW - February 2023- Sunday walk
Being briefed by our walk leader Cedric, our group of walkers is getting ready for the February walk
Big thank you to Cedric for leading us along the River to Hirst Wood and back along the canal on the route known as Between Two Waters and the Seven Arches Aqueduct
Sunday 8th January 2023 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by David
Bingley WaW - January 2023- Sunday walk
Our group of walkers led by David waiting for the first walk of the year to start.

This week sees the eighth anniversary of our accreditation as a Walkers are Welcome town and today’s walk was the perfect way to celebrate.
David was our leader on our five and a half mile walk taking in Myrtle Park, St Ives Country Estate and local beauty spot Beckfoot Packhorse Bridge.
We made it a two tier walk starting in Market Square and giving walkers the option to join at St Ives. The main walk being 5.5 miles and the optional walk 4 miles with less inclines.
The recent inclement weather didn’t deter 32 walkers taking part and it was great to welcome some new walkers and well behaved dogs.
Sunday 11th December 2022 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Linda
Bingley WaW - December 2022 - Sunday walk
What a glorious winter day for our Jingle Bell Stroll. Sturdy footwear was the order of the day for the icy conditions as we walked up to 5 Rise Locks along the Leeds Liverpool Canal to Dowley Gap and back along Beckfoot Lane to Myrtle Park.

During our "Jingle Bell Stroll" we sang carols and Christmas songs at various points and finished off by enjoying a hot drink and mince pies at Tarquins Tea Rooms And Bar Myrtle Park Bingley.
Sunday 6th November 2022 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Sue Denis
Bingley WaW - November 2022 - Sunday walk
A very atmospheric and not too damp walk along the river, through St Ives and back over Beckfoot Bridge.
Sunday 9th October2022 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Michael McCabe
Group of people walking along canal for Community Countryfile Ramble - Photo by Marcus Rattray
For our fun fund rising Countryfile Ramble on behalf of Children in Need, we rattled donation buckets at the cafes and passers by
We managed to raise £343 in total and we even made the cut in the CountryFile episode Check more pictures
Sunday 11th September 2022 - Meet 10:30am - walk led by Susan Hart
Bingley WaW - September 2022 - Sunday walk
Our local resident and historian Susan led this special Heritage Open Day walk in the St Ives Estate. It was a large crowd of 60 people and we learnt many things about the history of the estate along the way.
Sunday 14th August 2022 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Chris & Arthur Baxter
Bingley WaW - August 2022 - Sunday walk
Despite the heat we had a good turn out and Chris and Arthur led the walk which went on Beckfoot Lane, over the golf course , up the hill and into Cottingley Woods. Then over fields to Lee Lane and returning back through the woods and Myrtle Park.
In view of the heat we also offered a shorter walk in the shade in the park and on Beckfoot Lane which three people did.
Sunday 10th July 2022 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Christine McCabe [with guest leader Jean Robinson]
Bingley WaW - July 2022 - Sunday walk
On this special Cemetery & Military History Guided Walk, we went down Main Street over the bridge and up to 5 Rise, on the canal to Slenningford Rd, down to the main rd over the main Rd at Harold St and up the snicket into the cemetery.
We then had the tour by Jean Robinson who is a Commonwealth War Graves volunteer then back in the riverside walk into the park past the cenotaph.
Sunday 12th June 2022 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Michael McCabe
Bingley WaW - June 2022 - Sunday walk
Michael took the group of 26 people all the way up to Gilstead Crag and back. A lovely way to discover Bingley!
Sunday 8th May 2022 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by David Hanson
Bingley WaW - May 2022 - Sunday walk
About 30 people turned up and David took the group up to Gilstead and then back along the river and the canal.

This walk happened only one week after our Walking Festival. It was great to see some faces who attended the festival with us.
Sunday 10th April 2022 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Sue Dennis
Bingley WaW - April 2022 - Sunday walk
We had 34 people who joined us on this gorgeous April Sunday. Sue led the group up to Micklethwaite and then back via Five Rise Locks
Sunday 13th March 2022 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by David Hanson
Bingley WaW - March 2022 - Sunday walk
Another great walk were 35 people joined our walk leader David into St Ives and Ravenroyd.
Sunday 13th February 2022 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Michael McCabe
Bingley WaW - February 2022 - Sunday walk
Thank you to our courageous group of walkers who joined us for a rather damp but very enjoyable walk!
Sunday 9th January 2022 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Sue Dennis
Bingley WaW - January 2022 - Sunday walk
First walk of the year and fantastic attendance. The nice crisp and sunny weather must have helped too

A classic first walk of the year to St Ives Estate led by Sue gathered a large group of walkers. What a chance we had with the weather!
Sunday 12th December 2021 - Meet 10:00am - Special Jingle Bell Stroll
Jingle Bell Stroll 2022 - Start at Bingley Town Square
Start of the walk on Bingley Town Square

Our "Jingle Bell Stroll" was a great success as we had 41 walkers who joined us on this special Carols singing walk. Our thanks go to our walk leaders Linda and Jenny who organised this event. We stopped at Five Rise Locks Cafe, Bridge Bakery & Barista and Tarquins Tea Rooms and Bar Myrtle Park Bingley where we enjoyed mulled wine and mince pie!
Sunday 7th November 2021 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Arthur & Chris Baxter
Bingley WaW - November 2021- Sunday walk
A bit chilly for our November walk to Cottingley

Arthur and Chris went up into Cottingley village, up to New Brighton then through Nab Wood, and through the cemetery, and back on the canal.
Sunday 10th October 2021 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Michael McCabe
Bingley WaW - October 2021- Sunday walk
Sunny day for our walk to Micklethwaite

Michael took our group of walkers on this great sunny day all the way to Micklethwaite and back along the canal.
Sunday 19th September 2021 - Meet 10:00am - Heritage walk led by Susan Hart
Bingley WaW - September 2021- Heritage walk
A wet start for the Heritage Walk at Bingley St Ives Estate

This was a special extra walk in September led by Susan Hart. She took a group on a Heritage Walk around Bingley St Ives Estate. Although a wet start, the rest of the walk was rather pleasant and everyone enjoyed Susan's story and expertise about the history of the place.
Sunday 12th September 2021 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Cedric Farineau
Bingley WaW - September 2021- Sunday walk
Gathering for the walk brief before the start. Photo Credit: Marcus Rattray

Once again, we had a really good attendance for this walk. Cedric took the group on an easy and almost flat journey from Leeds & Liverpool canal to Hirst Woods and back along the River Aire and Beckfoot Lane.
Sunday 8th August 2021 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Susan Hart
Bingley WaW - August 2021- Sunday walk
A wonderful turn out considering the very wet weather. Photo Credit: Paul Brown

Susan took the group on the riverside wildlife walk along the River Aire and back through the Hollin Plantation and Altar Lane to admire the beautiful views over the valley.
Sunday 11th July 2021 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Michael McCabe
Bingley WaW - July 2021- Sunday walk
This is our group on Beckfoot Packhorse Bridge after circling around Bingley St Ives Estate. Photo Credit: Nick Hirst

Our group went on to do the "The St Ives Loop" via Riverside Walks, along to Jubilee Bridge, through Jubilee Meadow to Harden Road and up Altar Lane before returning to town via Beckfoot Lane and Myrtle Park.
Sunday 13th June 2021 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Cedric Farineau
Bingley WaW - June 2021 - Sunday walk - Photo Credit: Marcus Rattray
Post Lockdown Walk - We are Back! Our first walk since the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions on walking in group. Photo Credit: Marcus Rattray

There were twenty nine of us in total for our Post Lockdown Walk to discover Bingley. Although it was very warm the lack of sunshine meant it wasn't too hot. There were some of our regular walkers as well as several new ones which bodes well for future walks.
Sunday 8th March 2020 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Sue Dennis
Bingley WaW - March 2020 - Sunday walk
Our last walk before Covid-19 lockdown
This was sadly our last walk before lockdown and it was a rather successful turn out! Sue took our group to St Ives and Altar Lane and then back in town.
Sunday 9th February 2020 - Meet 10:00am - CANCELLED
Bingley Rugby Club Flooded in February 2020
Storm Ciara brings floods at Bingley Rugby Club (February 2020) - Photo by Stuart Moorhouse

Because of storm Ciera, for the first time in almost five years we had to cancel our monthly walk. It was once again a challenging day for our town, one in which the community had risen to a challenge and we at Bingley Walkers are Welcome are proud to be one of Bingley's Community Groups
Sunday 12th January 2020 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Cedric Farineau
Bingley WaW - January 2020 - Sunday walk

First walk of the year to blow away the cobwebs!
Despite a rather wet start, our group of 13 walkers braved the elements and shaked off the cobwebs on this first walk of the year! The walk started gently along the canal up to Dowley Gap but then we had to climb all the way to Gilstead Crag where the weather became much more clement allowing for the fantastic views. We then went back down to town via Prince of Wales Park and the Bingley Five Rise Locks.
Sunday 8th December 2019 - Meet 10:00am - Special Jingle Bell Stroll
Jingle Bell Stroll - Market Square
First stop out of four: Market Square

Our "Jingle Bell Stroll" was attended by almost all our Committee members and a rather large audience from the public. On this special walk, we decided to entertain the public by stopping at four different stations in Bingley and sing some Christmas Carols.
Sunday 3rd November 2019 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Sue Dennis
Bingley WaW - November 2019 - Sunday walk
Autumnal walk in the woods
Sue took our group of walkers through Hirst Wood and the weather was extremely kind!
Sunday 13th October 2019 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Heather Weatherhead
Bingley WaW - October 2019 - Sunday walk
Nice turn up for a wet day!
Heather took a brave group of 10 people for a stroll around Bingley despite the awful weather.
Sunday 8th September 2019 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Linda Howell
Bingley WaW - September 2019 - Sunday walk
An another successful walk!
23 people joined Linda for our last walk of the Summer and went to Micklethwaite and back.
Sunday 11th August 2019 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Sue Dennis
Bingley WaW - August 2019 - Sunday walk
Getting ready to walk to St Ives!
Sue led the walk and we went through the park up Beckfoot Lane into St Ives, up Blind Lane then up until we turned into Altar Lane to walk back down and the across the road along the path which leads to Jubilee Meadow and then in to the park and along the Riverside walk and to Ailsa's Well and back up into town.
Sunday 14th July 2019 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Cedric Farineau
On this special linear walk which lasted about 1 hour and a half, Cedric took a small group of people along the River Aire, Leeds and Liverpool Canal, the North Bog, Five Rise Locks, Beck Lane and finally arriving at the Park's South Lodge Entrance just in time for Teddymania to start.
Sunday 9th June 2019 - Meet 10:00am
Information to come soon.
Sunday 12th May 2019 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Cedric Farineau and Linda Howell
Bingley WaW - May 2019 - Sunday walk
Going all the way up to Gilstead Crag!

On a lovely spring morning, we took a group of 22 people to the top of Gilstead Crag overlooking Bingley and the Aire Valley.
Sunday 14th April 2019 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Linda Howell and Jenny Hinsley
Bingley WaW - April 2019 - Sunday walk
A really successful April walk going to Micklethwaite and back

What a success for our April walk! 28 people joined us on a route which took them on the canal to 5 Rise, carried on the canal to Micklethwaite then round the back over the fields and then over the bridge to the stables and back to the canal and home!
Sunday 10th March 2019 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Sue Dennis and Andrea Ellis
Bingley WaW - March 2019 - Sunday walk
An all season weather was waiting for this group of brave walkers!

Sometime the weather can be really awful and being outdoor is the last thing you want to do. That Sunday was one on them, still we had half a dozen brave walkers who turned up on our monthly walk. We took them on a classic walk along the River Aire up and to Hirst Wood before returning by the Leeds & Liverpool Canal.
Sunday 10th February 2019 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Susan Hart and Andrea Ellis
Bingley WaW - February 2019 - Sunday walk
Before going for the walk up to Altar Lane and the River Aire

A group of 23 people were lead by Susan and the followed the following route: Myrtle Park, Jubilee Bridge, across Harden Road to Altar Lane, Up Altar Lane then across field to Hollin Wood, Blakey Wood, then back through fields to Raven Royd and Riverside walk to town.
Sunday 13th January 2019 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Ronda Christensen and Andrea Ellis
Bingley WaW - January 2019 - Sunday walk
January 2019 - Ready for a walk to Prince of Wales Park (POWP)

21 walkers joined Ronda and Andrea for this Prince of Wales Park (POWP) walk. Everyone went up the snickets to Lady Lane, through POWP up on to Gilstead Cragg and back through POWP and down the snickets to town.
Sunday 9th December 2018 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Cedric Farineau and Christine Smith
Bingley WaW - December 2018 - Sunday walk
December 2018 - Seasonal themed walk

For our "Paint the Town Red" themed walk, 14 people joined us to celebrate the festive season - have you noticed the hats! Cedric and Christine took the group in the Cottingley Woods for a 2 hours walk blessed with a gorgeous sunshine. We then finished in the Tarquins Café where we had mulled wine and mince pies!
Sunday 4th November 2018 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Sue Dennis and Andrea Ellis
Note: this was exceptionally moved from Sunday 11th November which marks the 100th anniversary of the First World War.
Bingley WaW - November 2018 - Sunday walk
November 2018 - Getting ready before the walk

Sue and Andrea were joined by 15 people on this walk to St Ives Estate. They went through most of the features you can find in the estate such as Betties wood, Crossgate barn, Lady Blantyres Rock, Coppice Pond & Cuckoo Nest wood. They went back to the Arts Centre via the charming Beckfoot lane and over Beckfoot bridge.
Sunday 14th October 2018 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Christine & Michael
Bingley WaW - October 2018 - Sunday walk
October 2018 - A wet day for a walk!

We did get a tad wet on this walk but there were still 10 of us! Christine & Michael took the group on the canal/ river to Hirst Lock up Coach Road to Primrose Lane, back down to the canal and back into town.

Sunday 9th September 2018 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Heather and Jenny
Bingley WaW - September 2018 - Sunday walk
September 2018 - Getting ready to go to Wilsden!

On this walk, Heather and Jenny took 14 people through Myrtle Park, Beckfoot Lane, over the golf course and up to Black Hills before making their way into Wilsden. They then circled back down on a path to the golf club.
Sunday 12th August 2018 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Cedric Farineau
Bingley WaW - August 2018 - Sunday walk
August 2018 - Before heading to Prince of Wales Park

Despite the dull weather we still had a turn out of 9 people and we went all the way to Prince of Wales Park via Gilstead Crags. We then carried on towards the Five Rise Locks and decided to add a loop towards Crossflatts and back in town via the cemetery.
Sunday 8th July 2018 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Sue Dennis
Bingley WaW - July 2018 - Sunday walk
July 2018 - Yorkshire Summer walk

For this Yorkshire Summer walk we had a turn out of 18 people! We went onto Beckfoot Lane to Cottingley Bridge, then along the river to Hirst Wood and back on the canal. Not far but everyone seemed happy with it in view of the heat.
Sunday 10th June 2018 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Sue Dennis
Bingley WaW - June 2018 - Sunday walk
June 2018 - Before heading to St Ives

On this walk, we had 12 people in total and we walked along the River to Ravenroyd then took the path to join Altar Lane, into St Ives, round the top of the golf course, past Lady Blantyre's Rock and Coppice Pond, returning to Myrtle Park via Beckfoot Lane and the packhorse bridge. It was a glorious day and as one of the group said, a good choice as there was plenty of shade!
Sunday 13th May 2018 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Linda Howell and Chris Smith
Bingley WaW - May 2018 - Sunday walk
May 2018 - To Cottingley Woods and back!

Linda and Christine took a group of 17 people up to Cottingley Woods. They walked back through Beckfoot Lane and finished in Myrtle Park.
Sunday 8th April 2018 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Ronda Christensen
Bingley WaW - April 2018 - Sunday walk
Preparing for St David's ruin and Goitstock Waterfall

Our walk leader Ronda took a group of people on an unusual long walk up to St David's ruin and Goitstock Waterfall. It took them about three hours to get there and back in Bingley.
Sunday 11th March 2018 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Michael McCabe
Bingley WaW - March 2018 - Sunday walk
March 2018 - To Micklethwaite and back!

Considering it was Mother's Day, 15th people made it to our monthly walk. The weather was great and the group went all the way to Micklethwaite and back to Bingley!
Sunday 11th February 2018 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Sue Dennis
Bingley WaW - February 2018 - Sunday walk
February 2018 - To Hirst Wood via Cottingley Bridge

Despite the very inclement weather conditions, we had a great turnout again - 17 well behaved adult in total + Tintin the dog! Sue lead us on Beckfoot Lane to Cottingley Bridge then along the river to Hirst Wood before we returned to town on the canal.
Sunday 14th January 2018 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Linda Howell
Bingley WaW - January 2018 - Sunday walk
January 2018 Walk - St Ives via Altar Lane Walk

What a great start for our New Year walk with 35 people and 3 well behaved dogs! Linda took the group out of Bingley, over Ireland Bridge up Altar Lane , cut through to St Ives, round through woods, edge round golf course, past Lady Blantyres, Coppice Pond, along the bottom of St Ives, cut down to Beckfoot Lane then back into the park.
Sunday 10th December 2017 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Michael McCabe
Bingley WaW - December 2017 - Sunday walk
December 2017 Walk - Winter Walk

The weather didn't deter walkers for our December monthly walk and we took them on a preview of our Sir Fred Hoyle walk in Crossflatts. All the cold weather was forgotten when we enjoyed warm drinks and complimentary mince pies at Tarquins in Myrtle Park.
Sunday 12th November 2017 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Ronda Christensen
Bingley WaW - November 2017 - Sunday walk
November 2017 Walk - from Bingley to Saltaire and back

On this walk, Ronda took 15 people to the boundaries of Saltaire via the river and canal and back.
Sunday 8th October 2017 - Meet 10:00am -walk led by Susan Hart and Michael McCabe.

Bingley WaW - October 2017 - Sunday walk
October 2017 Walk - Walk & Talk at St Ives

Bingley Walkers are Welcome were delighted to organise a history walk & talk event with the Friends of St Ives. Our walk leaders Susan & Mike took 14 people through St Ives estate and its mansion. We went behind the curtain and were able to visit places not open to the public normally.
Sunday 10th September 2017 - Meet 10:00am -walk led by Linda Howell and Christine Smith.
Bingley WaW - September 2017 - Sunday walk
September 2017 Walk - Druid's Altar

Our duo of leaders took 13 brave people on a walk around the St Ives boundaries with the Druid's Altar as the highlight.
Sunday 13th August 2017 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Ronda Christensen

Bingley WaW - August 2017 - Sunday walk
August 2017 Walk

17 people followed Ronda on an history walk around Bingley and Crossflatts! We went down Main Street and up to Bailey Hills, through the cemetery down to the main road by Bingley Grammar School, down Castlefields to the river and cottages then up Slennighford Road and through North Bog and back on the canal. Nice walk and just right for the warm weather. Everyone enjoyed it and very few had ever been in the cemetery!
Sunday 9th July 2017 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Cedric Farineau

Bingley WaW - July 2017 - Sunday walk
July 2017 Walk

We had 14 people joining this walk on a glorious Summer day. We went up to Gilstead Craggs to admire the Aire Valley with miles of clear views. Then we went to Milner Fields Estate and had a look at the old mansion remains - once the residence of Titus Salt Jnr, the youngest son of Sir Titus Salt. We went back to Bingley following the River and the Canal via Dowley Gap.
Sunday 11th June 2017 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Linda Howell and Chris Smith

Bingley WaW - June 2017 - Sunday walk
June Sunday Walk

It was great to see so many new faces enjoying the countryside around our town on our June walk! Thanks to Linda and Chris for leading their first walk for us with a group of 22 people.
Sunday 14th May 2017 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Christine & Mike McCabe

Bingley WaW - May 2017 - Sunday walk
May Sunday Walk - Gilstead and Hirst Woods

Another great turnout of 27 people on this beautiful day! The walk took us up to Three Rise Locks then up the ginnels and out into Park Road. Following the walk uphill we went up towards Gilstead Craggs before heading off to Gilstead and down Primrose Lane to the North Lodge of Milner Fields Estate, then down to Hirst Lock and then back through Hirst Woods and along the canal to Bingley.
Sunday 9th April 2017 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Sue Dennis

Bingley WaW - April 2017 - Sunday walk
April Sunday Walk - Up to St David’s Ruin and back

On a gloriously hot morning, a group of 16 crossed Shipley Golf Course, walked through the woods and fields up to Lee Lane before circling back to take in the folly ‘St David’s Ruin’ and the Packhorse Bridge at Beckfoot, returning to the centre of Bingley via Myrtle Park.
Sunday 12th March 2017 - Meet 10am - walk led by Cedric Farineau

Bingley WaW - March 2017 - Sunday walk
March Sunday Walk - Micklethwaite

A glorious Spring day, walk leader Cedric took us up the ginnels to Lady Lane and then along to pretty Micklethwaite before we made our way back along the canal to town. Several walkers stopped by "Five Rise Cafe" on the way back and several lingered a while after the walk at "The Coffee Lounge" and enjoyed the Spring sunshine.
Sunday 12th February 2017 - Meet 10am - walk led by Ronda Christensen

Bingley WaW - February 2017 - Sunday walk
February Sunday Walk - St Ives Estate boundaries

On a very cold day, 24 people turned up for this walk! Ronda took us around the boundaries of St Ives Estate. Once at the top of Altar Lane, the weather even turned for the worst but we all made it back down to town eventually for a nice warm drink at The Coffee Lounge!
Sunday 8th January 2017 - Meet 10am - walk led by Cedric Farineau

Bingley WaW - January 2017 - Sunday walk
January Sunday Walk - Between Two Waters

Cedric took a group of 21 walkers on the first walk of the year 2017. It was a very gentle and easy walk "Between Two Waters".

The picture here is taken on the famous "seven arches" bridge; on the left is the Leeds and Liverpool canal, on the right is the River Aire and of course in the middle are our brave walkers... "between two waters"!
Sunday 11th December 2016 - Meet 10am - walk led by Ronda Christensen with the help of little elves (Christine, Michael, Arthur & Chris)

Bingley WaW - December 2016 - Sunday walk
December Sunday Walk

Ronda took no less than 35 walkers on this Christmas Themed Walk. Everyone was up for a treat when halfway through mince pies and mulled wine were distributed by Ronda's elves. Thanks to everyone who participated and put on a Red Santa Hat for the occasion!
Sunday 13th November 2016 - Meet 10am - walk led by Christine & Michael McCabe

Bingley WaW - November 2016 - Sunday walk
November Sunday Walk

Christine and Michael took a group of 29 walkers - our biggest turn up so far! - on a beautiful autumnal stroll. They went along the canal and River Aire to Hirst Lock , through Milner Fields estate to Gilstead and back down into town. On finishing the walk a few went in Bingley Arts Centre where the WI were serving coffee and Danish pastries after the Remembrance Service and another group went to The Coffee Lounge.
Sunday 9th October 2016 - Meet 10am - walk led by Cedric Farineau

Bingley WaW - October 2016 - Sunday walk
October Sunday Walk

For this short walk, Cedric took our group of 16 people on the Wildlife Walk - Deer and Riverside. We were delighted to see a kingfisher but no deer - just footprints!
Sunday 11th September 2016 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Ronda Christensen

Yew Trees in St-Ives Estate, Bingley
Spooky yew trees at St Ives!

Ronda took a group of 17 people on the outskirts of St Ives on a very pleasant and sunny day - so good that we forgot to take a picture of the moment! Instead we are giving you some spooky trees. Yew are among the many species of trees growing on the estate.
Sunday 14th August 2016 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Christine McCabe

Bingley WaW - August 2016 - Sunday walk
August 2016 Walk

Christine stepped up to replace Ronda on this walk who unfortunately had hurt herself and couldn't walk. Christine took the group along the canal and then through Mickletwaite before returning back to town.
Sunday 10th July 2016 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by David Smith

Bingley WaW - July 2016 - Sunday walk
July 2016 Walk

With David our group went straight up to Gilstead Moor (see picture) and then made their way back in town via Prince of Wales Park, Mickelthwaite and then a gentle walk along the canal and river bank.
Sunday 12th June 2016 - The Red White and Blue Walk - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Ronda

Bingley WaW - June 2016 - Sunday walk
June 2016 Walk

In celebration of the Queen’s 90th Birthday, this was a RED WHITE BLUE WALK and our walkers were invited to wear something colourful for this special occasion. Our leader Ronda, took us through Cottingley to arrive in Mercure Bankfield where a garden party was underway!
Sunday 8th May 2016 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Cedric Farineau

Bingley WaW - May 2016 - Sunday walk
May 2016 Walk

Cedric took our group of walkers on an "industrialisation and urbanisation" themed walk. Going through residential areas and then along the River Aire, we were able to appreciate the urban diversity and sprawling aspects of Bingley.
Sunday 10th April 2016 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Ronda Christensen

Bingley WaW - April 2016 - Sunday walk
April 2016 Walk

Ronda lead our walkers towards the Prince of Wales Park, a beautiful wooded area in town.
Sunday 13th March 2016 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Cedric Farineau

Bingley WaW - March 2016 - Sunday walk
March 2016 Walk

This was a slightly longer walk than usual where our regular Sunday walkers were taken by Cedric through St Ives Estate meadows towards Harden and then up to Cottingley Woods to look at the St David's folly built by the Ferrands before going back in town.
Sunday 14th February 2016 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by David Smith

Bingley WaW - February 2016 - Sunday walk
February 2016 Walk

A special St Valentine's day walk where each walker received a red heart shaped sticker and during the walk two heart shaped chocolate sweets! David took the group to Hirst Wood and stopped at the new Cottingley Beck bridge which had just been rebuilt following the December's floods.
Sunday 10th January 2016 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Ronda Christensen

Bingley WaW - January 2016 - Sunday walk
January 2016 Walk

On this winter walk, Ronda took 11 walkers. The walk was only a couple of weeks after the big floods of 26th December in Bingley, a sad event that ravaged many households and destroyed many footpaths around town.
Sunday 13th December 2015 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by John Chadwick

Bingley WaW - December 2016 - Sunday walk
December 2016 Walk

We asked our friends at the Ramblers Bradford Group to help out and lead a walk for us. John kindly accepted and took a small group of brave people on a cold December day up to Cottingley and back in town.
Sunday 8th November 2015 - Meet 10:00am - walk lead by Ronda Christensen

Bingley WaW - November 2015 - Sunday walk
November 2015 Walk

This walk was to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of the famous local man and astronomer, Sir Fred Hoyle. Ronda took our group along the canal and up to Gilstead where we visited various places frequented by the then young to be scientist.
Sunday 10th October 2015 - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Cedric Farineau

Bingley WaW - October 2015 - Sunday walk
October 2015 Walk

With the Autumn colours setling in, Cedric took our walkers in the wooded areas of Bingley and finished the walk on top of Gilstead Craggs before returning to town.
Sunday 13th September 2015 - A walk along the River Aire and the St Ives Estate - Meet 10:00am - walk led by David Smith

Pack Horse Bridge - Harden Beck in Bingley
Walkers crossing over the Pack Horse Bridge in Bingley (Harden Beck)

Our group of walkers were up for a treat with this short walk along the River Aire and the St Ives Estate lead by David.
Sunday 9th August 2015 - A walk around Eldwick and Gilstead - Meet 10:00am - walk led by Cedric Farineau

Bingley WaW - August 2015 - Sunday walk
August 2015 Walk

Cedric took our group of walkers on the edge of Eldwick and Gilstead before going back to Bingley.
Sunday 12th July 2015 - To East Morton and Micklethwaite -Meet 10.30am - walk led by Ronda Christensen

Reflection of Micklethwaite Bridge on Leeds and Liverpool Canal
View of Micklethwaite Bridge on Leeds and Liverpool Canal

On this walk, Ronda took us to East Morton with the lovely views over the valley and onto the delightful Micklethwaite.